Day three: A new dawn

Manzanares el Real (km 626) – Navacerrada (km 612)

What can I say? Room with a view! Dawn, castle, lake, mountains.
Silence except from the clop-clop-clopping of the storks.
I was on my way by sunrise.

No rain this morning!

I can see – and feel – that I'm on a higher altitude.
The flora has changed a bit. Some flowers are varieties of ones I know from home.

But this lovely bush, I don't know. The scent is very familiar, though.
Maybe it's some kind of wild Peony? I really really really need a spanish flora, but I will not carry one on my back ;)

Lost the yellow arrows for a bit, so I followed the main road.
Sat down in the shadow to let my shoes (and feet) get a little air!

Km 612, in the centre of Navacerrada.
The hostal I had planned on staying at was... closed for renovation. Another night in a hotel. Well, I hadn't spent much money on anything else so I enjoyed the luxury and slept very well indeed.

Tip of the day: Enjoy the company of you. Solitude is nothing to fear!

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